Teacher Position
- Location Within the Chinese border
- Working Experience 20 years
- Boarding Time
- Type of position Abroad Teacher, PE
- Type Of Work Full time in China
- Chinese Visa status Z Expected Salary 28K CNY - 35K CNY Monthly
- Expected Location All, All | China
- Type of School All
- Other requirements Football coach or PE teacher
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About Me
持UEFA(欧足联)教练资格证,曾担任葡萄牙豪门本菲卡足球俱乐部青年队总教练,曾执教过现任葡萄牙国脚拉法 席尔瓦等, 经验丰富卓越,具有国内国际学校教学经验,为人开朗随和,工作认真负责,做事积极配合度高,喜欢教学